A Simple Way To Manage The Complexities Of Corporate Tax

Ideal for both practice and business clients, the corporate tax product integrates with the global, leading, financial reporting templates on Caseware Working Papers. It may also be used as an independent taxation solution and it offers a simple way to manage the complexities of tax. You are able to import a trial balance from Xero, Quickbooks, or Excel to prepopulate your tax return. Importing a trial balance directly from your financial statement solution means that preparing an ITR14 tax return is both quick and easy.

Easy-To-Use Features Of Corporate Tax

Using an easy-to-follow workflow, producing tax computations and SARS forms is simple as the software walks you through the complete process step by step. Each individual area of tax legislation has its own schedule, which can easily be reviewed and amended by the tax team, with each schedule linked to the computation and form.
The software also includes comprehensive data verification and balance checks so you never miss an adjustment or a review point when compiling your  ITR14 tax return. Reviewing is easy, as a summary of all errors is presented on a single view prior to sign-off and submission to SARS.

Simple Tax Returns

Caseware’s corporate tax product includes a comprehensive tax calculation framework that aligns with SARS. This is automatically selected based on the entity type, triggered by revenue amounts for micro, small, and medium to large entity types. With all entity types, the calculator provides a comprehensive list of allowances so you do not miss those important deductions. With an automated workflow, it is easier for the user to prepare and file the ITR14 tax return.

In addition to the latest tax codes and updated ITR14 tax forms, Caseware’s corporate tax product includes a comprehensive help menu and electronic document management system allowing you to add supplementary evidence.

Once your return is completed, submission is simple through the Caseware Cloud Service with a full tracking and monitoring dashboard.

Find out more about corporate tax and the immense features and benefits it holds for your business. Should you have any queries, feel free to contact Caseware Africa, an Adapt IT company and leader in financial reporting solutions.

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