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Caseware IDEA®

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Caseware IDEA®

The trusted tool for external audit data analysis and analytics.

Caseware IDEA® Data Analysis is a comprehensive powerful data analytics tool.  Analysing all your client’s data, it guarantees data integrity and accelerates performing data analytics – enabling faster and more effective external audits.

As an external auditor, making sense of your client’s organisation’s data can be challenging. With Caseware IDEA, you can easily read, display, analyse, manipulate, sample and extract data from almost any source through a user-friendly, intuitive interface. 

Auditors can quickly produce tailored reports, identify trends and outliers, detect fraud and track every step of the external audit.

Key Features

Connect & Consolidate

Import information seamlessly and easily from almost any data source, in almost any format.

Source Data Protection

Protect source data integrity with read-only access to all imported datasets.

Deliver Key Insights

Use over 100 audit functions for a robust analysis, including ageing, duplication detection and Benford’s Law.

Risk-based Sample Model

Apply a risk-based sample model using systematic, random or monetary unit techniques, and prioritise areas with elevated risks.

Built-in Workflows

Execute a full suite of analytical tests for Financial audits with the SmartAnalyzer FinApp.

Explore & Visualise

Pinpoint patterns, trends and outliers visually based on the outcomes of tests to focus audit efforts.

Record Process

Record Every Step

Follow a clear built-in audit trail that allows for repeatable analysis and audit evidence.

Advanced Analysis Using Python

Incorporate advanced analytics in the analysis process with Python scripting support.

Required Products:

Caseware IDEA

Caseware IDEA®

The trusted tool for internal & external audit data analysis and general data analytics.

Optional Extras:

Caseware IDEA

Caseware IDEA® : External Audit​

Use Data Analytics & Drive the Quality of the Analysis

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